Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thoughts on Husbands and their calling

Today on the infamous Facebook, I saw posts disparaging husbands. To see such posts always leaves me a bit unsettled. No marriage is perfect. My husband and I have our fair share of arguments and fights. I am a fan of venting, to friends, and healthy conflict resolution. However, I am not a fan of emasculating my husband for all to see and airing my dirty laundry. Once those words are typed for all to see and once they are said, there is no way to take them back. I think, myself included, forget the great burden men are called to by God in their role as husbands and fathers. In today’s society, men are called to these roles with no preparation. No training. No idea how to reach that goal. I also think that women forget, I know I do, that one of our roles as a wife to assist our husbands to these goals by building them up and not tearing them down. By respecting them and all that they do. Not telling them what useless bums they are. A recent survey when husbands were asked if their wives loved them, over 90% said yes. But when asked if their wives respected them, less than 20% said yes. What does that say as our roles as a wife. Have we let the today’s society warp us to the point that we want to wear the pants and be spoiled without putting any effort forth to reciprocate. We want our cake, to eat it, have seconds and thirds and not pick up after ourselves? This is a journey that I am still on. It has been a difficult one for me to undertake. Respect my husband, build him up, let him know how worthwhile and awesome he is in the midst of the chaos of our lives and respect him when we are arguing and I am furious at him. Do I fail at this? Every single day! Do I get back up and try again? Every single day! My husband is the man that I promised my forever to. We didn’t enter this sacred marriage with an escape clause. If I want him to respect me and treat me with honor, I had better be willing to do the same. But, back to my original rant. I saw posts on Facebook today berating husbands and calling them out by name. To me that is a sad state of affairs. It violates one of the rules of fighting- “Do not bring in a third party,” and progresses onto “Do not call each other names.” I am not a perfect wife. But, I feel Facebook is not the place to vent about "what a lousy husband we have". We as women need to remember that discretion and “biting our tongue” in the realm of the virtual world is not something we should strive for, but something we need to put into practice. St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians, “Wives submit to your husbands.” Sounds horrible, but it isn’t a rug to walk on submission. Men got a much harder task to undertake. St. Paul continued with “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church.” Wow. Love you wife as Christ loved the Church. Sacrifice your all, your everything, you life, body, and soul for your wife, unselfishly, for her salvation and safety. Just some food for thought.

So, I will continue my uphill battle with this and I wish you all well on your journey. God Bless.

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