Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lightened up Omelette "Muffins"

Some of you know, that at the begining of the year, I joined the "Lighten Your Load" challenge at our local YMCA and began the resolution of losing weight.  Well, this hasn't been a diet.  No, it is much BIGGER!  THis has been a lifestyle change.  A HUGE lifestyle change.  To date, I am at a weight that I have no been at since before I was preganant with our daughter almost 7 years ago! So, I have been lightening up recipes, trying new recipes, and diving the Norman family completely bonkers.  I think they have wanted to kill me at some points.  However, I am feeling wonderful.  With this lifestyle change, I am more aware of what my kids and Tom are putting into their bodies.  I want them to eat healthy ALL the time.  I want breakfast to really matter to them.  However, during the week, we are short on time in the morning (school and work).  So, I adapted some recipes I had found and made omelette muffins for them tomorrow morning.  Just bake them the night before, cool and refidgerate, and heat in the microwave in the morning.  We have had them before, and the kids like them.  So, it is a win! Here is the recipe:

Omelette "Muffins"

1 c. egg substitute
2 Tbsp fat free milk
2 oz. fat free smoked turkey lunch meat, diced into small pieces
6 Tbsp reduced fat meican cheese
6 muffin liners

In a bowl or 2 C measuring cup, mix the egg substitute and milke.  Line a muffin tin with the muffin liners.  Evenly distribute the egg and milk mix between the 6 liners.  Spinkle the diced meat in the six filled muffin liners.  Then to each well (muffin liner), add 1 Tsp of cheese.  Bake at 350F for 20 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool.

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