Tuesday, December 6, 2011

You made what with Saffron?!

When I moved to Butte, I never imagined making anything but rice with saffron.  It was an expensive spice that I knew nothing about.  Then, I started to become ingrained into the Butte culture that is rich in history and many ethnic dishes.  I had a dear friend introduce me to saffron bread.  It is a delicacy she only makes at Christmas.  I was HOOKED!  Then, my wonderful husband came home with the "Butte Heritage Cookbook."  There, in the Cornish section were the recipes for saffron bread (cake) and saffron cookies.  I wasn't brave enough to make the saffron bread (yet).  So, I made the cookies.  I fell in love with the delicate, uniquely flavored shortbread cookies.  They are a beautiful golden color and require a minimal amount of saffron.  Now, here in Butte, we have a grocer- Front Street Market- that sells saffron for $3.50 a packet.  So, now that Christmas is approaching, I have purchased my saffron and the saffron cookies are on my to do list.  This recipe comes from page 18 of the "Butte Heritage Cookbook'" int he Cornish section.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we (and our neighbors) do.

Saffron Cookies

1 C. Softened butter
2 ½ C Flour
¾ C Sugar
½ tsp baking powder
1 egg
1/8 tsp salt
¼ tsp ground saffron (soaked in 1 Tbsp hot water)

Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, then saffron tincture(tea). Gradually add in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Refrigerate until form. Shape small pieces of dough into balls, place on baking sheet and flatten into round cookies with the back of a fork. Bake at 400° for 7-10 minutes.