Sunday, August 7, 2011

A taste of yummy Indian cuisine when in a hurry- aka Tandoori Chicken

So, two weeks ago, I got inspired via Facebook to make Tandoori Chicken.  It is one of may favorite dishes.  Sadly, the last time I had enjoyed it was my last trip to Cape Canaveral for work.  So, I decided to research it, find and easy recipe, and make it.  Luck was on my side.  The second recipe I looked at was easy, had ingredients I can get in Butte (via Hennessy Market), and didn't take much time to cook.  The ctch was, I had to make it the night before we were to have it.  But, oh my, it was worth it!  I have to give credit to the recipe to  I love food blogs by moms.  I will post the recipe as found on her blog at the close of this entry. 

When I was preparing the spices, I was shocked at the amount a dash of this and a touch of that can end up being.

But, I mixed it all and let it marinate over night.  The recipe called for baking it, but I chose to grill it.  Because I was so excited about this endeavor, the husband allowed (ha, allowed) me to "man" the grill.  The chicken was a beautiful sight to behold.

It was amazing!  It was kid approved!  That's right, it was picky eater (Connor) approved.  We will be keeping this recipe.  I hope you all give it a go.  Enjoy!

Tandoori Chicken Recipe

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut in half

1 cup full fat Greek Yogurt

1 tablespoon smoked paprika

1 teaspoon ground ginger

1 teaspoon garam masala

1 teaspoon tumeric

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon coriander

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Prepare chicken by pricking it with a fork to create holes for the marinade to get into the chicken breasts. Then combine all ingredients, except chicken in a large bowl. Mix well. Add chicken and marinate for 2-3 hours, or overnight, refrigerated.

Preheat oven to highest temperature, for me that’s 550 degrees. Bake chicken on wire rack over baking dish until golden and internal temperature is 165 degrees. You can also prepare this chicken on the grill.

To get the chicken a little more charred, I turned the broiler on high in the last few minutes of cooking, while watching carefully, so I didn’t burn it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fighting Adultitis!

Last weekend at the District 5 Engaged Encounter conference in Reno, NV, Tom and I accepted the challenge to fight Adultitis. Tonight, we began the battle with Barbarian Spaghetti! We heard the message delivered by Kim and Jason at and and the epidemic of adultitis in the world. Tom and I realized we were beginning to suffer from this affliction. So, we decided to start implementing some of the ideas presented. We began with Barbarian Spaghetti.

What is Barbarian Spaghetti? Well, we chose plain ol’ spaghetti and meat balls.

We draped the table in a plastic tablecloth from the dollar store.

Then, we put some old t-shirts on the kids to protect their good clothes.

We decided to fight the good fight and made cherry Kool-Aid.

Then, we dumped the spaghetti on the table.

This is the point in time that the kids were shocked. The questions of what were we doing and where were the plates began. Once we pulled a pile of the yummy spaghetti to their spot at the table (with a fork), Aidan dived in.

It took Connor a few more minutes to really buy in. However, when he did, he LOVED it!

Aidan declared it the best dinner ever.

Connor decided it was fun to eat!

I have to say, I really enjoyed it. So did Tom!

Our spaghetti was not fancy. Nope, Barilla spaghetti sauce and frozen turkey meatballs. The best part was the clean up!

So, that was Barbarian Spaghetti! We loved it! I think it is a keeper and we will be doing it again. We fought Adultitis and won tonight 