Monday, May 30, 2011

A rant on texting and the internet

During this day of being plugged into everything, I wonder if something has been lost.  We are plugged into our phones through texting and searching the internet.  We are plugged into Facebook and consider it to be face to face interaction.  I am not innocent of these acts.  But, I wonder, if somewhere along the way, we have forgotten the meaning of human to human interaction.  I wonder if he we have forgotten the importance of hearing a voice on the other end of the phone wishing us well or telling us some momentous news.  Have we forgotten how to be human?  I am reminded of an Outer Limits episode, "The Haven," where there is no human to human interaction. 

I am the first to admit that I am a text junkie.  However, I think I have limits on to what I will text.  I think big announcements to family members need to be person to person or by a phone call.  Not the "congrats, guess what?" text.  Also, I think that a phone call to wish someone something such as Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, or even Happy Mother's Day is better than a post on Facebook, especially if it is to a family member.  Recently I have received those texts and even gotten into "hot water" for not making those posts on Facebook.  I felt a little bit of myself wither each time.  I felt as if I wasn't worthy of that person's one on one communication.  Those moments have left me feeling a bit bitter.  Who am I kidding?  Those moments have really irked me.  A bit of my naiviety and optimistic outlook died.  So, if I am a bit bitter, I apologize.  I am just dealing with the fact that impersonal faceless communication has become the norm.