Monday, January 17, 2011

I am being a December Outcast

I know that I am not the only one.  I know that everyone suffers emotional slumps.  These past few weeks/months I have been in an emotional slump/funk.  I know my husband is starting to get concerned.  They usually only last about a week and I am over it for a bit.  I have no idea why it is sticking this time.  Family drama has been playing out on both sides of the family that has me ready to scream and start cursing like a sailor.  But, that would get me no where.  But, even in this smotional slump, I am finding joy and reasons to laugh.  My husband and children.  So, maybe this slump is lasting a little longer because I haven't sone the shut down, wallow, and sleep 14 hours a day.  I don't have the time or inkling this time.  I suppose that is a good sign.  I just do not like being a depressive person.  But, let me tell you, I am as joyous as a fart in a car full of boys this month.  You know something is amiss you just can't pinpoint the source.  The drama laama's continuos visits have helped me decide to shutdown(i.e. deactivate) my Facebook account for two months, at least, begining Feb 1.  I am not removing myself from the world, I am just distancing myself from the Facebook drama.  So, I will not go down and wallow in self pity without a fight.  It is not productive and a waste of time.  I think it maybe time to find some sunlamps, up the Vitamin D dose, and play Polly Pockets a bit more.  Nope, not going to go down to stinky wallowing without kicking and screaming.  To those that bring the drama, I am happy being an outcast.